
Talent4Iberia — Partnership — Academia

Career development of international talents of the energy research fields in the Iberian Peninsula

Talent4Iberia programme involves both academic and industrial participating organizations with strong expertise on energy technologies. The recruited researchers will be integrated in a network that enables them to consolidate their careers and establish new collaborations, through the training opportunities and secondments options offered by the following scientific and industrial Associated Partners:

Aalto University

Aalto University, Research group of Energy Conversion and Systems is a multidisciplinary energy group with high variety of different topics. The team is focused on different type of energy storage applications. At thermal energy storage topics, we work with TES systems, as well as in thermal energy storage materials both at PCMs and thermochemical materials.

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Antofagasta University

The CDEA was born in 2010 at the University of Antofagasta, focusing its work on promoting innovation, development and applied research on issues related to the energy needs of our area. Currently, the CDEA has become a regional and national benchmark in issues related to solar energy, with a Master's program in Energy Development since 2010, in addition to launching a Doctorate in I Semester of 2016. Solar energy.

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Chalmers University of Technology

The research group Industrial Materials Recycling at Chalmers University of Technology has extensive knowledge of separation processes, especially applications of hydrometallurgical methods such as leaching and solvent extraction in the waste and ore processing. Our facilities are equipped with wid range of equipment, as well as pilot scale separation units, e.g. special leaching reactors and mixer-settler contactors.

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Agencia Estatal de CSIC

The Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) is Spain’s largest public research institution and one of the most renowned institutions in the European Research Area (ERA). It is affiliated with the Ministry of Science and Innovation. CSIC participates via Instituto de Tecnología Química (CSIC-ITQ), an international reference centre in the areas of catalysis, new materials, electrochemistry, green chemistry, photochemistry, gas separation and energy conversion. The group participates in several European and national projects with other worldwid recognised research institutions and some of the most important companies related to petrochemistry, refining, green chemistry and fuel cells/electrolysis.

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Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

The Urban Energy Systems Laboratory at Empa focusses on the development of methods, strategies and solutions to transform buildings, neighborhoods and cities into energy efficient and decarbonized systems. Its core competences lie in the modelling, design and assessment of building and urban systems with focus on energy hubs, multi-energy grids, and integration of renewable energy and storage systems.

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Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE

Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, with a staff of about 1400, is the largest solar research institute in Europe. The Fraunhofer ISE is committed to promoting a sustainable, economic, secure and socially just energy supply system based on renewable energy sources.

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Khalifa University

Khalifa University of Science and Technology is a public research university located in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Founded in 2017, as the merge of Masdar Institute, Petroleum Institute and Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research, it was ranked as the 181st best university in the world by QS world university rankings of 2023. One of the flagship research centers of KU is the Research and Innovation Center on CO2 and Hydrogen (RICH), focused on decarbonizing the society, by capturing and utilizing CO2 as well as covering the whole value chain of hydrogen, with an impressive record of publications, patents and joint industry-academia collaborative projects.

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Norwegian University of Science and Technology

NTNU is the largest University in Norway today with a history dating back to 1910 and a vision to create knowledge for a better world. The Functional Materials and Materials Chemistry Research group is part of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering in the Faculty of Natural Sciences. Our mission is to device and provide advanced functional materials for a sustainable future. FACET’s research activities range from innovative applications in industry to fundamental science. We study emergent functional materials properties and how we can improve and control them.

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Politecnico di Milano

The Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingengeria (DEIB) is one of the largest European ICT departments. With nearly 1000 members, researchers, collaborators, PhD students, technical and administrative staff, the Department is a vital institution capable of promoting education, fundamental and applied research, and technology transfer to companies. Research is the main focus of DEIB, pursued according to the highest international quality standards. The six department sections bring together consolidated competences in systems and control, computer science and engineering, electronics, telecommunications, bioengineering and electrical engineering. Today, DEIB is a leading contributor in terms of delivered patents, spin-offs, and incubated companies.

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Politecnico di Torino

The Department of ENVIRONMENT, LAND AND INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING (DIATI) is the reference structure of Politecnico di Torino in the cultural areas dealing with the protection and management of the environment and land, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, sustainable use of natural resources and subsoil, as well as the design, development, management and operation of industrial technologies, civil infrastructures and eco-compatible transport systems. DIATI promotes, coordinates and manages teaching activities, basic and applied research, technological transfer and services to the local community in the above-mentioned areas.

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Tallinn University of Technology

Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech), the only technological university in Estonia, is the flagship of Estonian engineering and technology education. TalTech is to become one of the leading technological universities in the Baltic Sea region. The Power Electronics Group of TalTech focuses its research efforts on the development and experimental validation of new state of the art power electronic converters for such demanding applications as renewable energy systems, rolling stock, automotive and telecom.

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Universidade de Aveiro

Created in 1973, the University of Aveiro (UAveiro) quickly became one of the most dynamic and innovative universities in Portugal. Now a public foundation under private law, it continues to develop and implement its mission to provide undergraduate and postgraduate education, to generate research and promote cooperation with society. CESAM is a Research Unit of UAveiro, and its main objective is to promote a more efficient use of terrestrial and aquatic environmental resources and a more competitive, resilient and sustainable economy.

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University of Ljubljana

A laboratory with highly enthusiastic researchers, interested in all aspects of power-system dynamics and stability.

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University of Salerno

The Laboratory of Power Electronics and Renewable Energies at UNISA has facilities for the implementation and test of control algorithms for power electronics, which are implemented by embedded systems. Fully instrumented test stations are also available for testing low power PV systems and Li-Ion battery storage systems. Several types of PV modules installed in the university campus offer effective test bench for the experimental validation of models and algorithms developed during the research activities.

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University of South Wales

UNSW Sydney is one of the world’s leading research and teaching-intensive universities, known for innovative, pioneering research and high-quality education with a global impact. It has 47 schools, 53 centres and institutes, and is spread across 4 main campuses with the main campus being located at Kensington NSW. UNSW is a member of the prestigious Group of Eight (Go8), a coalition of Australia’s leading research-intensive universities. The global ranking of UNSW is 45th in the 2022 QS World University Rankings and was awarded the maximum QS Five Star Plus rating in 2019 for teaching, research, employability, facilities, internationalisation, inclusiveness, specialist subject and innovation.

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University of Turku

Research group of Battery Materials and Technologies at University of Turku is one of the largest groups in Europe focusing on materials discovery and electrochemistry of flow batteries. This group consisting of 15 people is headed by associate Prof. Pekka Peljo. He is a coordinator of three H2020/HE projects and a recipient of ERC StG grant, and he has gathered > 5 M€ external funding since 2018. We are focusing on discovering new materials for flow batteries and developing measurement tools to test solid boosters. We have specialised equipment for flow battery research, including flow battery test cells and associated accessories (that enables measurement of e.g. half-cell potential, ORP pH, etc.) and oxygen free chambers that enables parallel testing of different chemistries, as well as facilities for electrochemical testing.

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Vlaamse Instelling Voor Technologisch Onderzoek N.V.

VITO is a leading European independent research centre in the areas of cleantech and sustainable development, elaborating solutions for the grand societal challenges of tomorrow: climate change, food security, a sustainable energy supply, the ageing population and scarcity of resources. The business unit of Separation and Conversion Technology is composed of ca. 120 staff and has organized its strategic research program around the theme ‘Sustainable Chemistry’ with special focus on (1) process intensification through the integration of separation processes with chemical, microbial, enzymatic and electrochemical conversion processes, and (2) the use of alternative feedstocks, such as CO2. The electrochemical research at SCT has a strategic focus on sustainable electrochemistry aiming for novel electrocatalysts and their integration into advanced reactors. The group is composed of six senior research staff members and about twenty PhD and post-docs with specialization in chemistry, material development, separation processes, electrochemistry and biotechnology in order to have an interdisciplinary approach. This proposal is at the core of VITO’s research program ‘CO2-to-products’, where the current research effort is directed towards development of novel electrocatalysts for CO2 co-electrolysis, efficient electrodes and membranes, improved gas diffusion electrodes as well as up scaling towards a 5 kW-scale demonstrator.

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